Interactive Grid

The Full Spectrum Learning Framework is based on the idea of the intersection of student engagement and technology in the classroom. Discover more in depth the ways these classes are taught and the student’s reactions to the class.


Technology Integration & Student Engagement

Lecture Based Instruction

Faculty Centered Interaction

Student and Faculty Interaction

Student-Centered Participation

Open Learning

Non-Digital Course Design

Dr. Deborah Anderson

Human Anatomy


Dr. Jim Neuliep

Small Group Communication


Technology Enhanced Course Design


Dr. Laurie MacDiarmid

Poetry Workshop

Dr. Laurie MacDiarmid

Advanced Seminar in Creative Writing

Technology Engaged Course Design


Dr. Deborah Anderson

Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy

Shan Bryan-Hanson

Intermediate Painting


Hybrid Course Design


Dr. Reid Riggle

Educational Psychology

Katie Ries


Fully Digital Course Design


Dr. Mark Bockenhauer

Social Geography

Dr. Valerie Kretz

Race/Ethnicity and Media

Technology Integration & Student Engagement
Faculty-Centered Non-Digital Course

Dr. Deborah Anderson

Human Anatomy (BIO 320)

Student-Centered Non-Digital Course

Dr. Jim Neuliep

Small Group Communication (COME 222)

Student-Centered Technology Enhanced Course

Dr. Laurie MacDiarmid

Poetry Workshop (ENGL 308)

Collaborative Technology Enhanced Course

Dr. Laurie MacDiarmid

Advanced Seminar in Creative Writing (ENGL 425)

Interactive Technology Engaged Course

Dr. Deborah Anderson

Comparative Vertabrate Anatomy (BIO 220)

Dr. Marc Schaffer

Data Visualization (BUAD 589)

Student-Centered Technology Engaged Course

Shan Bryan-Hanson

Intermediate Painting (ART 340)

Student-Centered Hybrid Course

Dr. Reid Riggle

Educational Psychology (EDUC 130)

Collaborative Hybrid Course

Katie Ries

Illustration (ART 389)

Interactive Digital Course

Dr. Mark Bockenhauer

Social Geography (GEOG 225)

Student-Centered Digital Course

Dr. Valerie Kretz

Race/Ethnicity and Media (COME 310)

Technology Integration & Student Engagement
Faculty-Centered Non-Digital Course

Dr. Deborah Anderson

Human Anatomy (BIO 320)

Student-Centered Non-Digital Course

Dr. Jim Neuliep

Small Group Communication (COME 222)

Student-Centered Technology Enhanced Course

Dr. Laurie MacDiarmid

Poetry Workshop (ENGL 308)

Collaborative Technology Enhanced Course

Dr. Laurie MacDiarmid

Advanced Seminar in Creative Writing (ENGL 425)

Interactive and Technology Engaged Course

Dr. Deborah Anderson

Comparative Vertabrate Anatomy (BIO 220)

Dr. Marc Schaffer

Data Visualization (BUAD 589)

Student-Centered Technology Engaged Course

Shan Bryan-Hanson

Intermediate Painting (ART 340)

Student-Centered Hybrid Course

Dr. Reid Riggle

Educational Psychology (EDUC 130)

Collaborative Hybrid Course

Katie Ries

Illustration (ART 389)

Interactive Digital Course

Dr. Mark Bockenhauer

Social Geography (GEOG 225)

Student-Centered Digital Course

Dr. Valerie Kretz

Race/Ethnicity and Media (COME 310)

More Videos

Mark Schaffer's Data Visualization (BUAD 589)

Interactive Technology Engaged Course